

À École de langues My Cup of Tea, nous ne vous apprenons pas seulement la langue que ce soit catalan, Anglais, français, Italien ou espagnol pour vos raisons personnelles et professionnelles et nous vous aiderons également avec vos compétences en prononciation!


Vu comme c'était Saint Georgea celebration of love and literaturelast weekend in Catalunya, we thought we’d share our love for one of the English-speaking world’s literary giants, William Shakespeare (who, coincidentally, is widely believed to have been born on 23rd April)

We’re sure you’ve heard of his famous plays like ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘Macbeth’, and ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Even if you don’t recognise these titles, it’s very likely you’ve seen modern interpretations that are based on his works. Let’s take a look at some of them and see if we can tempt you into exploring the wonderful world of Shakespeare

Disney’s ‘The Lion King’, nous vous recommandons de suivre un cours intensif de préparation à l'examen afin de vous habituer à la présentation et à la structure de l'examen et de savoir exactement ce que les questions vous demandent de faire, is based on Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamletthe story of a king who dies and then his ghost tells his son (Hamlet) to avenge him by killing the new king (Hamlet’s uncle). The uncle finds out about this and makes his own plan to kill his nephew, Hamlet. Of course, as in every Shakespeare tragedy, pretty much everyone dies in the end. Although, predictably, the heroes survive in the Disney re-imagination of this famous play, we’re sure you can see some similarities between the tragic tale of Hamlet’s family, and the sad story of Simba and Scar. We know you’ve all seen the film, so why not challenge yourself and try reading a bit of Shakespeare. This wonderful website ( allows you to read the play and provides icons to click on and they tell you the meaning of a word, the significance of an expression, and you can even press the audio button to hear it read aloud. The language looks complicated but give it a try! If you get confused, you can always read a plot summary on the trusty website Sparknotes (

If you don’t fancy Disney, how about the beloved teen rom-com ’10 Things I Hate About You’ – a personal favourite of oursthat is based on Shakespeare’s comedy ‘The Taming of the Shrew. In theatre, for a play to be a comedy, it must include a variety of the following: a light and humorous tone; clever language and witty banter; deception, disguises, and cases of mistaken identity; young love that must overcome some kind of struggle; family drama; lots of twists and turns; and multiple plots that come together in the end – which always involves the reunification of the family and/or a marriage. This play and its modernised retelling, certainly have these! Both tell the story of two sisters, one beautiful and charming and the other outspoken and ‘shrewish’ (meaning bad-tempered or aggressively assertive). The beautiful sister wants to marry (‘datein the modern version) a man, but the girlsfather says she is not allowed to until her older sister does too. The story ends with a contest to see who is the most obedient wife and the finale might just surprise you. We definitely recommend watching ’10 Things I Hate About YouEVEN IF it’s just to see the incredible declaration of love scene that involves Heath Ledger singing ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You❤️

‘She’s The Man’ is another teen favourite that is based on another one of Shakespeare’s comedies, ‘the Twelfth Night’. The story follows Viola, a young woman, who dresses as a man in order to gain the approval of the leading manDuke Orsino in the original and Duke in the modern film. As in all comedies, la pièce et le film contiennent une série de malentendus humiliants mais hilarants et d'identités erronées qui aboutissent finalement à une fin heureuse. Si cela ne suffit pas pour vous tenter, il y a aussi une scène inoubliable où le personnage de Channing Tatum se colle des tampons dans le nez pour arrêter un saignement de nez. Ce n'est certainement pas la plus acclamée par la critique de toutes les versions modernes de Shakespeare’s œuvres, mais "She's The Man" vaut le détour si vous avez envie d'un divertissement léger.

finalement, arguably the best and probably the most loved by critics, is the 1996 film version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ directed by Baz Luhrmann and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. This modern retelling of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy is a real treat for the eyes and the ears as it’s a combination of a modern setting, contemporary fashion and actors that we all recognise, but they speak in Shakespeare’s Anglais, which sounds very poetic and old-fashioned to modern ears. But fear not, readers…while the language may sound strange at first, nous promettons qu'après les premières minutes, vous vous habituerez à Shakespeare’s style et vous suivrez l'intrigue avec facilité.

Nous espérons que vous regarderez (une partie de) ces films et avoir un aperçu de la littérature qui est un élément clé de la base de la langue anglaise que nous utilisons aujourd'hui.

En l'honneur de saint Jordi, nous terminerons par une célèbre citation de ‘Romeo and Juliet’ à propos d'une rose:

Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans un nom? Ce qu'on appelle une rose
Sous n'importe quel autre nom sentirait aussi bon '

Pourquoi ne pas regarder le film et nous dire ce que vous pensez que cela signifie…

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