Play Hour (3-6 anys)
Basic Pre-A1/A1 Level
1 o bé 2 hores setmanals
76€ per month for 1x1hr class per week or
139,10€ per month for 2x1hr classes per week

The Language Discover Class Play Hour is where children from 3 to 6 years old will play games, make things, sing, dance, act and enjoy themselves in our large garden room with an outdoor space; all whilst learning a language at the same time!

Learning Zone (7-11 anys)
Basic A1/A2 Level
1.5 o bé 3 hores setmanals
65€ al mes per 1×1.5 hr classe per setmana o
110€ al mes per 2×1.5 hores de classes setmanals

The Language Discovery Class Learning Zone is the next step from the Play Hour. Here children from 7-11-years build on their language knowledge whether that is learnt with us or through their school or family life. They have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities, games and discussions to help bring the language alive. They are also given the opportunity to share their homework when they have doubts or questions and to gain help and support when preparing for tests and exams.